Career Fair

Career Fair

Career advice from industry experts

Want to break into the gaming industry but need a little guidance?  

The Career Fair gives you the tips and cheat codes you need to kick start your career.  Meet likeminded people and have an extra pair of industry-professional eyes review your CV, application or portfolio at our popular Portfolio Sessions, or attend talks from games industry experts on hand to answer all your questions and offer advice on your next career steps.  

You’ll also be able to speak to a host of awesome publishers looking to recruit; the perfect opportunity to grab an application form and get your foot in the door of the gaming world.  

Check out the Portfolio pages for more information. We’ll also be revealing more details of our social media channels, so keep your eyes peeled! 

If you are in the industry and have an idea for a talk, then please make sure to fill out our form.

Also, if you’re a school group looking to attend the show, we offer discount badges and free badges with teachers who are coming along. If you would like to contact our bookings team they will be able to help you with creating an order. Please email: [email protected].